Miami, FL – Miami Dade College

Berliner Mauer in Miami

Standort: Miami Dade College

1 Segment

Aus Anlass des 25. Jahrestags des Falls der Berliner Mauer schenkte das Deutsche Generalkonsulat in Miami der Stadt Miami ein Segment der Berliner Mauer, als Zeichen der Dankbarkeit für die Unterstützung durch die USA im konfliktreichen 20. Jahrhundert, wie Generalkonsul Borsch bei der Enthüllung sagte.

Das Segment steht in Downtown Miami vor dem Eingang des Miami Dade College und ist dort frei und öffentlich zugänglich. Es soll täglich daran erinnern, dass Mauern und Grenzen friedlich überwunden werden können.

Inschrift auf der Gedenktafel:
Erected in 1961, the Berlin Wall became both a physical and a symbolic boundary between democracy and totalitarism during the Cold War. The Berlin Wall stood for nearly three decades holding millions of people captive under communism. Its fall in 1989 was celebrated around the world and became a symbol of the democratic reunification of West and East Germany.
The section of the Berlin Wall was donated to the City of Miami by the Federal Repuclic of Germany in recognition of the 25th anniversary of the fall of the Berlin Wall, and it stands in Miami at Miami Dade College, known as Demcracy’s College, for its commitment to excellence and equal opportunity.
May this section of the Berlin Wall serve as a powerful symbol of the strength of democracy – teaching and inspiring current and future generations about the importance of freedom, the resilience of the human spirit, and triumph over oppression.
Dedicated on November 9, 2014. 25th anniversary of the fall of the Berlin Wall. – Miami Dade College

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